Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Fallibility of Humans

When considering human beings, one question is repeatedly being raised in my mind, when undertaking any form of action how can we be sure we are taking the right decision. If a human being is limited by their own experience of life, limited by their knowledge, the result of any decision is not known in the long term, therefore consequence is unknown, infinite diversity in infinite combinations, this phrase taken from Star Trek, but helps explain the complexity of our society. Now politicians are undertaking policies, while trying to say that their policies are the definite way forward, the result of their policies can be disastrous even deadly, human beings with definite ideas seem very dangerous, examples of people who thought they were creating the perfect society such as Pol Pot, Hitler, Franco, Stalin and Mao, instead brought death and destruction, they had definite ideas.

I am a Christian, now definite ideas end up being in a different realm; I can’t even being to understand the complexity of the universe and the mind of God, but I am made very humble by just trying to contemplate it as I start realise my own limitations, therefore how little I know and understand. Human beings due to their limited knowledge, understanding and experience have no way of always making good choices, in other words they are fallible and make mistakes. Part of my faith requires me to believe and trust God to unravel the universe and to trust his will, in other words I have to have faith. Knowing we are regularly wrong, we make stupid mistakes, say silly or hurtful things, in a way it is learning to be a human being and therefore having faith in God to guide us, we should be humble because of our limitations, but that should not stop us asking God what he wants us to do, it is down to trust & faith.

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